By Julia Savacool, Men's Journal
The world of nature-based grooming products is on fire right now.
Globally, the natural and organic skin-care market is an $11 billion
industry, with U.S. consumers leading the charge, making more purchases
last year than any other country. What’s more, 50 percent of men now say
they believe grooming products with natural ingredients are better for
their skin than synthetic formulas, according to a survey by global
research firm Mintel. “Men have a growing awareness about the risks of
synthetic chemicals and are eager to find a healthy solution,” says Dan
Pettit, co-founder of the all-natural grooming line Tenzing.
“Just as there is a big push in looking at food labels and
understanding what we’re putting into our bodies, the grooming products
we put on our skin should have an equal emphasis. Our largest organ is
our skin, and toxic ingredients are absorbed quickly into our system.”
[post_ads]Some natural ingredients may be more effective than synthetic ones —
but not all. And not everything made in a lab is bad for you either.
“Over the years I have used a broad range of hair- and skin-care
products on my clients,” says Rayon Mclean, owner of SteelMclean Barbers
and founder of SteelMclean
grooming products. “The reality is that the benefits versus risks
associated with the use of a natural chemical or synthetic chemical
aren’t as black and white as they may appear. There are many naturally
occurring compounds that can cause dermatitis, acne, and many other
allergic reactions that one may view as being harmful. Similarly, there
are synthetic chemicals that have been used in the cosmetic industry for
many years and have proven to be beneficial.”
How to distinguish
between what’s safe and what’s not: “The synthetic ingredients that I
would stay away from are those that mimic the benefits of a natural
ingredient — moisture, suppleness, and so on — without providing the
benefits, such as the infusion of essential vitamins and minerals that
aid in healthy hair and skin maintenance,” says Mclean.
So which
natural ingredients are worth seeking out? And what should you avoid?
Here’s what to know about the stuff you put on your skin and hair.

SEEK IT: Burdock Root
What it does: “Burdock root is a medicinal herb that is most commonly used to detoxify our bodies,” says Mclean. “For purposes of hair and skin care, burdock extract is an essential fatty acid that promotes hair growth. It creates a healthier scalp by removing grease and oil build up and exfoliating dead skin.”
Where to find it: Steel Mclean Fortify Shampoo ($27, steelmclean.com)
SEEK IT: White Birch Extract
What it does: Extracted from the leaves of the Betula alba tree
(Russia’s native birch), white birch extract works as an antibacterial,
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent in cleansing products,
soothing the skin while removing layers of grime. It has been used for
centuries by apothecaries to treat skin outbreaks.
Where to find it: Olivina Men All-in-One Body Wash ($18, www.olivinamen.com)

SKIP IT: Phthalates
What it does: “Phthalates are used to homogenize products by
dissolving solid ingredients,” explains Pettit. However, “phthalates
have demonstrated to be carcinogenic and have been shown to cause
reproductive birth defects in laboratory animals, particularly males.
These chemicals were banned by the European Union in 2003, yet we still
allow these products on our shelves in the U.S.”

What it does: Aloe contains compounds that are both
skin-healing and skin-rejuvenating. “Aloe has been shown to increase
oxygen to the skin, while moisturizing and firming the surface,” says
Pettit, whose Tenzing label uses Aloe as the base for all skin-care
Where to find it: Tenzing Sandalwood Facial Moisturizer ($20, www.tenzingskincare.com)
SEEK IT: Kiwi Fruit
What it does: “Kiwi fruit has a very high concentration of
vitamins C, B6, and A,” says Mclean. Vitamin C is essential to help your
body produce collagen, a connective tissue protein that keeps your skin
from sagging. “It is also rich in iron, magnesium, and calcium, all of
which are the essential nutritional building blocks of healthy skin and
Where to find it: Steel Mclean Fortify Mask ($27, steelmclean.com)

What it does: The same compound that serves as the active
ingredient in antifreeze is also used in items like makeup, toothpaste,
and deodorant, says Pettit. In fact, “stick deodorants have a higher
concentration of propylene glycol than what is allowed for most
industrial use!” Direct contact with the chemical has been shown to
cause brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities.

What it does: Known as a superfruit and consumed by health nuts around the world, acai berries have antioxidant properties that fight off damaging free radicals in your skin — the stuff that basically makes your face wrinkle prematurely.
Where to find it: Tenzing Sage Mint Premium Shave Cream ($24, www.tenzingskincare.com).

SKIP IT: Parabens
What it does: Parabens are used as a preservative that will
prevent bacterial contamination. “It sounds good in theory, but like
phthalates, parabens have been linked to certain cancers,” says Pettit.
“They are known as endocrine disruptors that can interfere with the
body’s hormones, most notably reproductive hormones such as estrogen and

SEEK IT: Jojoba, Cedarwood, and Castor Oils
What they do: “Each ingredient has its place,” says Joseph Moore, CEO of the new natural grooming line Olivina Men. “In our beard oil/shave prep products, castor oil is used for comfort and razor glide, while jojoba oil is included for non-oily moisturizing of the skin. We use cedarwood oil to keep the beard smelling fresh.”
Where to find it: Olivina Men Organic Shave Prep & Beard Oil ($24, www.olivinamen.com).
What they do: “Each ingredient has its place,” says Joseph Moore, CEO of the new natural grooming line Olivina Men. “In our beard oil/shave prep products, castor oil is used for comfort and razor glide, while jojoba oil is included for non-oily moisturizing of the skin. We use cedarwood oil to keep the beard smelling fresh.”
Where to find it: Olivina Men Organic Shave Prep & Beard Oil ($24, www.olivinamen.com).