Want to know how to make hair thicker?
By Christine Flammia, Men’s Health
The moment you hair starts feeling sparse in places you'd rather it didn't—around the temples, spots at the back of your head, a hairline that keeps moving farther away—can incite panic. But if you tackle thinning hair with purpose, you can minimize any noticeable damage. We talked to longtime groomer and stylist Vaughn Acord to get some insight on how to get a thicker head of hair. Here's what he had to say.
Just because your hair is thinning out doesn't mean you don't need it cut—in fact, it might mean all the more reason to. "While it may seem counter-intuitive, shorter hair all over will bring less attention to thinning hair and/or hair loss," says Vaughn. "It will help thicken up what you do have, so the length is super important. For both those with thinning hair all over and those with a receding hairline, go visit your barber or stylist. A professional consultation on length and how best to style your hair is critical."
After you've nailed down the right cut, you can take care to ensure your hair has the life it needs. "When your hair is thinning, it is key to get the blood flowing in your scalp and invigorate it. Give it a good scrub in the shower, run your hands through it–anything that promotes energy to the hair and scalp is a good thing."
[post_ads]"As for product, stay away from thick creams or gels, and focus on microfibers like molding paste or texture cream. Products like this will create texture and will plump up hair so it appears full." For products that provide some more life, we like Vaughn's own V76 molding paste and Jack Black's texture cream.
[post_ads]As for more permanent solutions—implants, or intense chemical treatments—Vaughn recommends shying away. "It's better to remain true to who you are. Confidence transcends! This is when you are going to want to invest in seeing a great stylist [instead]. A professional consultation on the length and the right products will do wonders for your confidence. The stylist will be able to balance the length–where there is hair and where it is thinning–so it creates the illusion that there is more of it. Don’t be ashamed and try to cover up–that’s just more obvious. Own it, and be confident."
See more at: Men’s Health

The moment you hair starts feeling sparse in places you'd rather it didn't—around the temples, spots at the back of your head, a hairline that keeps moving farther away—can incite panic. But if you tackle thinning hair with purpose, you can minimize any noticeable damage. We talked to longtime groomer and stylist Vaughn Acord to get some insight on how to get a thicker head of hair. Here's what he had to say.
Shorter is Better

Give It Life
Keep Product Light

Try a Professional Before Implants

See more at: Men’s Health