The pop lasts for a record amount of time.

Occasionally, ingrown hairs result in ripe, juicy whiteheads. To normal people, this ranges from annoying to disgusting. For pimple poppers, it's ideal.
Dr. Pimple Popper has turned pimple popping into an internet art form, and the popularity of her amazing popping videos has led to several Instagram accounts and YouTube channels, as well as her own TLC show.
In this video, a man asks a friend to help him with a two-year-old ingrown hair. Once the friend, who identifies themselves as a barber on their Instagram profile, pulls out the incredibly long hair, two years worth of pus oozes out – and then oozes some more. It's a fountain. See it to believe it if you dare.
Uh, that pop literally lasts longer than Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande's courtship before getting engaged.
In some cases, a dermatologist's advice and skills are necessary. See a doctor if the condition persists, pain is severe, or if you see any signs of an infection. After all, dermatologists are the best people to handle acne you can't reach.
See more at: Men’s Health
In some cases, a dermatologist's advice and skills are necessary. See a doctor if the condition persists, pain is severe, or if you see any signs of an infection. After all, dermatologists are the best people to handle acne you can't reach.
See more at: Men’s Health