By Julius Choudhury
The game of attraction can be quite a tricky one if you either have no clue about it or overthink it. Some guys are completely fine in their own company and would like nothing more than to be alone for the rest of their lives – and you know what? That’s completely fine. Some might even argue that it’s the best possible route to take! The majority of us want to be around others, though, and we want to feel as though we have people gravitating towards us – especially in a romantic or sexual manner.
Becoming more attractive will not just happen by chance. Sure, you may attract someone tomorrow, and that instance gives you a confidence and glow that could make you approach more people. That’s an unlikely scenario, however! Becoming more attractive takes work and perseverance. It’s not difficult, though, fortunately. Here are a few things you can do:
Stop Caring About Being Attractive
We might as well start off with something a little counterintuitive. This sounds like a bad idea, but it’s really not – and anyone that behaves this way will attest. If you’re constantly trying too hard to look and be attractive, then it’s going to show – and it gives off very insecure vibes. If you just focus on enjoying life and not really care too much about how others perceive you, then you’ll have that added mystery about you. You’ll become valuable; people will want to work and earn your attention. Getting it too easy isn’t rewarding enough.
Look At Your Dress Sense
You might want to up your game in terms of the outfits you wear. You don’t need to become Conor McGregor or anything like that, but looking sharp and fixing up really helps you out. A nice shirt, some mens oxford shoes, a lovely fragrance, and some accessories can do a lot for a man. It’s not about the fashion game really; it’s more about what the clothes you wear are representing. It’s deeper than the garments themselves.
Work Out A Little
We’re not saying that you need to become the incredible hulk and caked in muscle, but being in decent shape helps you out mentally and physically. You’ll also have a shaper, whittier mind – which can be very, very attractive. You’ll be happier overall, which is something people gravitate towards. Being up and on your feet a lot is very attractive, too – nobody likes a slob.
Focus On Yourself A Lot More
It’s not selfish, and it’s not narcissistic to want the best for yourself in life. Sure, caring about others is important, but you can’t be expected to do everything for others – even if they beg and plead. If you focus on boosting your own life, then you’re going to be a lot more attractive. Having a great job with a marvelous income is only going to make you more desirable. Not acting needy and not wanting attention all the time will only increase your chances of getting the right kind of attention, too.
Be A More Positive Person
If you’re more positive and happy regarding life, then people are going to want to be around you. The ‘bad boy’ type seems quite cool for a small amount of time, but it eventually erodes. Positivity will always be magnetic.